Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Menu... UPDATED

Last year I had everything planned out for a big family Thanksgiving dinner. This year, though it's just Me, Leif, Ellie, and Leif's brother Eric. We are not having ham, and only having a turkey breast instead of the whole bird, so the prep isn't as intensive, but I'm realizing that there are still a lot of things to do! Those things are complicated by the fact that I have a 16 month old little helper who thinks it's fun to dance in front of the "mirror" (aka - the oven door!) and get in my way. So I might be planning the meal prep around naptime! Here's hoping she takes a nap this afternoon (she already took one this morning) or we'll be having store bought pie crusts! Let's see what the week holds: (updates are in CAPS)

roast turkey and freeze - CHECK
make pie crusts - CHECK
crush pretzels - CHECK
make homemade cranberry sauce - CHECK

make pies (pumpkin and pecan-less pecan for Leif!) - CHECK
make bread - CHECK
make up guest beds - CHECK

make yambake - CHECK
make strawberry pretzel salad - CHECK
cut veggies for the relish tray - CHECK (Done Monday)
thaw turkey - CHECK

make stuffing
make green beans
make mashed potatoes
make gravy
heat turkey and yambake and bread

turkey (china platter - CHECK)
relish tray and dip (divided glass dishes - CHECK)
cranberry sauce (corelle dish - CHECK)
bread (glass plate - CHECK)
green beans almondine (medium corelle bowl - CHECK)
yambake (glass dish - CHECK)
stuffing (medium corelle bowl - CHECK)
strawberry pretzel salad (baking dish - CHECK)
mashed potatoes (large corelle bowl - CHECK)
gravy (gravy boat - CHECK)
pumpkin pie (pie tin - CHECK)
pecanless pecan pie (pie tin - CHECK)

Whew!! I've got the turkey in the roaster, but I should probably get started on some of the rest of this!! Leif was hoping to go to the Museum of the Rockies one of these days, too, as well as a couple other places, so I need to make the best of my time. Hopefully we'll be able to get out and take some fun family pictures in the beautiful snow that is piling up outside, too. I need to get a family shot so Christmas cards can go out in the mail next week!! Because after that... I head to Texas for two weeks and then Christmas is upon us! If ever I wished for better time management skills, it is now. Want proof that my time management skills are severely lacking? I'm sitting here typing this right now instead of making pie crusts. And there you have it.

Okay... off I go!

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