Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I started a del.icio.us site. It's a terse blog where I can post links to pages with tags. For example, my wishlist! It was Leif's idea - he was going to set it up for me so that he could find my wishlist easier by sorting according to the tag. I believe the beta version of blogger will allow me to do the same, but I'm not ambitious enough to switch over yet. Anyway- I didn't let Leif set up a delicious site for me, but I decided to set one up for myself today. And then I had to add all the things I've seen lately - Hambly and Li'l Davis and Basic Grey (the new notch tool, you know). I even skipped watching Martha to do it. *GASP*! What is this world coming to?? Anyway- yes, Leif, del.icio.us is a wonderful thing and it is easy to use. Thank you. For all who want to see this amazing feat I have performed, it's located at...



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